The Teams/Players/Locations screen contains three tabs, the second of which is the Players tab. This page contains the functions necessary to manage the players in the division.
When first navigating to this screen, you see a list of all of the players in the division, their locations, and Fargo rating information.
Editing Player Details
You can change a player's information by clicking the Edit button for that player. NOTE: Changing a player's information changes that information EVERYWHERE in FargoRate. This is important to know. It does not just change the player for this division.
Viewing Player History
You can also view a player's match and rating history by clicking the History button.
The first tab shows the player's rating history for each day. It is normal to see a player's rating change slightly from day to day regardless of whether the player has played any new matches. FargoRate calculates ratings based upon ALL of the matches in our system, not just the matches for a particular player. As such, ratings can move as we gain more information about a player's opponents.
The second tab shows the player's match history. You can step back in time and view all of the games that FargoRate has for the player whether they were league games or not.